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Davis Senior High Science Olympiad club is proud to announce our third Science Olympiad Summer Camp happening IN PERSON!!! The program will take place from July 10-14th, 2023; 9 AM to 3PM at the UC Davis Student Community Center. We are inviting students ranging from 4th grade to 9th grade to join us and learn about subjects like optics, plant anatomy and forensics. The camp will also contain fun science-related activities for students and presentation from UC Davis Professors. The camp aims to broaden students’ view of science while improving important skills needed in STEM.

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All details of the summer camp are not completely finalized, so we request that you continually check this website for updates. We expect about half of each day to include all grade levels and include activities like basic airplane making and bridge building. The other half will be subject-specific activities broken up by grade level (4th-6th grade and 7th-9th grade). 4th-6th graders will study simplified subjects compared to 7th-9th graders e.g cell biology vs. human anatomy. 


The camp will be $180 per student. All proceeds will go towards funding the Davis Senior High Science Olympiad teams for competition, materials, and travel expenses, and into our outreach programs at junior high and elementary schools in Davis. If you would like to request a fee waiver, please email us.


Further details coming soon...

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