Our Story
For the past two years, the Davis Senior High Science Olympiad club has been running the annual Science Olympiad Summer Camp! We welcome students ranging from 6th to 9th grade to join us and learn about key pillars in science; chemistry, biology, and physics. The camp boasts fun science-related activities for students and presentations on specific event topics from devout high school students. We aim to broaden students’ view of science while improving important skills needed in STEM, and prepare them to join Science Olympiad in the future!
All details of the summer camp are not completely finalized, so we request that you continually check this website for updates. We expect each day to be broken up into subject-specific activities and lectures, and a comprehensive test at the end of the week. Prizes will be given to students who show passion and perserverence!
The camp prices have not been decided as of now. All proceeds will go towards funding the Davis Senior High Science Olympiad teams for competition, materials, and travel expenses, and into our outreach programs at junior high and elementary schools in Davis. If you would like to request a fee waiver, please email us.
Further details coming soon...